(FILES) In this file photo taken on March 26, 2019 a worker walks at the construction site of the so-called Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline in Lubmin, northeastern Germany. German Chancellor Angela Merkel welcomed on July 22, 2021 a compromise struck with the United States over a controversial Russian gas pipeline project, but said “differences” remained. Merkel said the agreement on Nord Stream 2, which threatens sanctions on Russia should it use energy as a weapon against Ukraine, was a “good step, that showed the willingness to compromise on both sides”. But, she added, “differences remain”. The pipeline has long been a sore point between Washington and Berlin, but the agreement announced on July 21, 2021 aims to draw a line under the row. (Photo by Tobias SCHWARZ / AFP)
Насловна / Бугарија станува главна рута за увоз на руски гас во ЕУ и Украина во 2025 година / FILES-GERMANY-US-RUSSIA-UKRAINE-DIPLOMACY-GAS-NORD-STREAM